What To Know About Storm Windows

If you are looking to add more protection to your home, storm windows are something you should consider. Storm windows are installed on the exterior of your existing windows and are designed to provide an extra layer of protection against the elements. Storm windows are typically made of durable materials, like aluminum or vinyl, and may be easily removed or installed as needed. Even if you live in an area that doesn't see a lot of storm activity, these windows can be beneficial. Here's what to know about installing storm windows.

They Improve Energy Efficiency

While the added protection that storm windows offer is a great reason to install them, they also improve your home's energy efficiency. Older windows especially can be drafty, and air moving in and out of your home reduces efficiency. Storm windows add a layer of insulation to your windows, which reduces heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer. As a result, putting in storm windows can lead to lower energy bills and a more comfortable environment inside your home. 

What Options Are Available

If you are considering putting in storm windows, choosing a high-quality product that is correctly sized and installed is vital. You'll also want to consider the windows' style and color to ensure that they complement your home. Storm window frame options include wood, vinyl, and aluminum. Storm windows come in many sizes and configurations as well. Think about which options will suit your home and shop around until you find windows that fit your home and needs. Also, a professional installation makes a difference, so if you aren't prepared to DIY, call in the experts to install your new windows. 

How Much You'll Pay

How much storm windows cost depends on a few factors, including the size of the windows, the material used, the type of glazing, and how they are installed. Typically, you will spend between $100 and $1,000 per storm window. The larger your home's windows are, the more you will pay for storm windows. Multi-pane storm windows also tend to be pricier, as are ones that have wood frames. 

There are a few things to know about storm windows. First, storm windows can improve your home's energy efficiency in addition to offering more protection from the elements. Second, there are many storm window styles to consider. Finally, how much storm windows cost will depend on the storm window style you select and the size of your windows. 

For more information, contact a local company, like Southern Glass & Mirror.
